After your hog goes to the processor, you can expect it to be ready in approximately 1 week.
Hog Cost
Meat is sold by hanging weight; appox. 180 lbs:
Whole= $4.50/lb.
Half= $5.00/lb.
(Approximate $/lb. only. Hanging weight varies by animal.)
Processing Cost
The Meat Market charges $0.80/lb. for processing + $70 kill fee (whole hog) + additional cost for smoking/curing and if you get products made from the trim. (See the cut sheet for additional pricing).
Total Cost
With these prices in mind, the total estimate you can expect to pay to DCP and The Meat Market is approximately:
Whole= $1024.00
Half= $557.00
(Plus smoking/curing & additional products made from the trim. See processing cost.)
A hanging weight of 180lbs. will give you approximately 120lbs. of take home pork, giving you a final cost of:
Whole= $8.54/lb.
Half= $9.29/lb.
You will make three separate payments:
1. Hog Deposit (non-refundable)
Paid to DCP, via our online store, due before your hog goes to The Meat Market.
2. Hog Cost (less deposit)
Paid to DCP, via an invoice sent to your email address, due before picking up your pork from The Meat Market.
3. Processing Cost & Kill Fee
Paid to The Meat Market, due when you pick up your pork.
+ Receiving your order
Orders can be picked up directly by you at our processor; The Meat Market in Baraboo, WI.