Idaho Pasture Pigs
-Dedicated to excellence-
Welcome to Duck Creek Pastures, where our dedication to excellence in breeding Idaho Pasture Pigs (IPPs) is evident in every aspect of our operation. We specialize in providing our customers with superior-quality IPPS-registered IPPs meticulously selected for their ability to excel on pasture.
Our commitment begins with breeding IPPs that naturally thrive in their roles—from breeding to raising piglets while also delivering exceptional meat quality and excellent growth. We prioritize structural correctness and sound design, ensuring that every aspect of our breedstock meets the highest standards. We strive to breed to the IPPS Standard of Excellence.
We place a strong emphasis on customer education, offering comprehensive insights into our breeding practices and providing ongoing support to help our customers achieve success.
Our dedication to maintaining the integrity of the IPP breed and our unwavering commitment to excellence drive every decision we make. We recognize that tangible results and functional IPPs that perform reliably and contribute to our customer's profitability are paramount.
Join us on our journey as we cultivate our breeding program, sharing transparent updates on our progress every step of the way.
Experience the difference with Duck Creek Pastures IPPs!
Click on the buttons below to learn more about the DCP herd.